Bryan R. Fine, MD, MPH’s Post

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Invented a Medical Practice Model that Patients Love, Employers Value, Feeds my Kids, and Gives Me Joy | I Let Patients Text and I Go to Worksites | I Built Software ‘cuz I’m a Masochist | Dad

Heath care versus food-on-the-plate? A family makes a 'tough' decision. I've attached a copy of $342.15 bill we received when we semi-urgently needed to help a 'family member' who was suffering from a large abscess on his neck. This type of mass even has its own moniker apparently because of how it can affect breathing: "The Strangles" Luckily, we were able to get our 'family member' some brief gas anesthesia, while the abscess was aspirated, looked at under a microscope (Cytology), and had the area injected with a pain medicine. I'm happy to report that Tot, the lighter of the two guinea pigs, is alive and well, and has been returned from a one-week, cardboard box quarantine to the cage with his pal Tater. Our 8y old daughter is thrilled that we saved her buddy - but she still struggles to clean the cage, of course. (We've also reminded Tot that had he been elsewhere, $342.15 could have bought us a couple plates of 'cuy' and several bottles of wine. So be thankful, buddy.) BFineMD

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Patrick Gerbus

Pediatrician at CMG - Pediatric Specialists


We've had some of those same bills for our guinea pigs back in the day. It's a bargain compared to people ER visits.

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